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Broadband Not As Unstoppable As Previously Thought

According to VNUnet news, in 2005 the global broadband boom was unstoppable, and now, just three years later, Ars Technica has declared that "it's no secret that broadband growth in the US is stagnating". Both Ars Technica and VNUnet have reported on the lowest levels of broadband growth in the US in seven years.

Two reports published recently, one by Leichtman Research Group and another by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) have painted rather a bleak landscape of America's broadband industry.

The Leichtman paper revealed that broadband take-up has halved in the second quarter of 2008 when compared to the second quarter of 2007. Telephone companies experienced the lowest levels of growth, while cable companies took the lion's share of new acquisitions. According to the report, an undue emphasis on high-speed FiOS and U-verse bundled services over traditional DSL services is largely to blame.

Predictions for the future of broadband are contradictory. According to Bruce Leightman, president of the Leichtman Research Group, there's a lot of potential for growth in the US market. But he admits that there have been reports that say the US broadband market is nearly saturated. Around 55% of the US population has broadband in their homes. The other 45% can either not afford to subscribe to broadband services, aren't interested in or are out of range of broadband services. In one instance, a city that was out of range of commercial broadband services tried to build their own network. But it was sued by a local telecommunications company so that the city wouldn't be able to provide them with the necessary fibre to complete the task.

The report published by the CWA showed that the US broadband speed falls far short when compared to many other industrialised countries. The average speed from 230,000 internet users was found to be 2.3Mbps. The two extremes were Rhode Island at 6.8Mbps and Alaska at 0.8Mbps. In comparison Japan has the fastest broadband speeds at 63Mbps; South Korea was second at 49Mbps, while France clocked in at 12Mbps.

According to Larry Cohen, president of the CWA, broadband speed isn't just about how fast users are able to download movies. Cohen says that download speed is important to the economy and to developers who are trying to be competitive in an increasingly sophisticated global market. But if expense, consumer apathy and competition with the US market continue to hamper growth, America could soon find themselves falling behind developing nations, such as South Africa.


5 Reasons Verizon Fios High Speed Internet Service is Better Than Cable Internet

It used to be that cable Internet service was considered the gold standard, the best that you could get. But these days Verizon FiOS is surpassing cable Internet service as the industry standard for the best service available. The cutting edge technology being used by Verizon is raising the bar for other companies in the industry.

Have you thought about switching to the new Verizon FiOS Internet service but haven't really made up your mind yet? If you're still on the fence about whether or not you want to switch from cable Internet service to Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet service, here are 5 reasons you should take the plunge and switch:

1. Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet service is faster

Most cable companies offer a maximum speed of 8 mega bytes per second, and you can expect to pay lot even for that speed. With the Verizon FiOS service you can get speeds of 5 mega bytes per second, 15 mega bytes per second or an impressive 30 mega bytes per second depending on what speed you need. And you will pay about the same prices as you'd pay for the 8 mega byte per second speed from the local cable company.

2. Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet Offers Online Flexibility

Do you want to be able to watch videos and TV shows online, download your favorite music, watch movies from online movie rental sites and take advantage of all the other multi-media applications on the Web? Try doing it with a cable Internet connection and you'll get frustrated fast. Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet service has the power to handle multi-media on the web without slow loading time and interrupted streams.

3. Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet - More Value for Same Cost

In most places Verizon FiOS Internet plans cost about the same as local cable companies charge for their slower Internet connections. If you take advantage of some of the pricing deals and service bundles that Verizon offers (Verizon FiOS Triple Play), you can get an Internet service that is much faster than cable for less than the cost of cable. If you decide to get Verizon FiOS TV, digital phone service and Internet service bundled together you can save a lot of money with the Triple Play bundle.

4. Less Down Time with Verizon FiOS Internet

When there are a lot of users on an Internet connection that connection will slow down or you could get dropped off the Internet all together. That happens a lot to cable Internet users because cable companies use copper wires as the base structure of their network. These wires can't support having a lot of users at once. The Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet service uses fiber optic cables that can accommodate a lot more users, so it's very rare for anyone to get dropped or for the Internet connection to go down.

5. Verizon FiOS High Speed Internet is the Future

Soon all the satellite and cable companies will be forced to switch to a fiber optic network similiar to the Verizon FiOS network in order to stay competitive, so why wait? Fiber optics is the future of Internet and TV technology and Verizon can give it to you for about the same cost as cable.


Wireless Internet and Hot Spots

When internet was first introduced, the World became a better place. Now it is even better with the wireless internet. It doesn't matter if you are using a PC, MP3 player, PDA, game console, mobile phone as long as it is wireless enabled.

In a plane, hotel, or library, you can still text your wife, check the inbox, listen to music, and download programs or whatever thing that you can do when connected. The wireless internet offers you all this in just a touch of the buttons.

However, advantages have their corresponding disadvantages. The wireless has its demerits also. For you to be able to carry out any activity, you have to be within the range of the wireless network connected to the internet. The coverage of one or more connected points referred to as hot spots can comprise of an area as small as a single room with wireless-opaque walls or as large as many miles covered by overlapping access points.

In addition to restricted use in homes and offices, wireless makes internet publicly available at a hot spot free of charge or to subscribers of various providers. Organizations and other businesses such as airports, hotels, restaurants, often provide free hots pots to attract customers. Enthusiasts or authorities who wish to provide services or even to promote business in a given area sometimes provide free hotspots also.

If you are a subscriber you have to part with some dollars. You can either pay through credit cards or through subscriptions to the service provider. If you are not a subscriber of the hot spot, their rates will not be promising for you. Another good thing with the hots pots is that they have maps to their locations. Hence you don't have to move from one point of the town trying to find the wireless internet coverage.


Time Warner Cable Road Runner

Do you use the internet on a regular basis? Who doesn't, right? We all use the internet like crazy now and it has become a thing that is necessary in our homes and workplaces. You need to have the best internet connection you can get and that means you need time warner cable road runner high speed internet. It is necessary to get rid of dial up or DSL to get the better connection speed, security, and more. Here is what to expect.

First, you will get the download speeds that you need to have to be productive. This will allow you to be able to download video, music, and files in a much faster way. You can download so much faster that you will be amazed. Plus you will not have to worry about whether or not you stay connected or not.

Second, with dial up you can get kicked off the internet on a regular basis, but with high speed cable internet you are always connected. This is a huge advantage because you will not get kicked off while you are in the middle of something and you will be able to be on the telephone and the internet at the same time. Plus you can bundle your television and phone service with your internet and get a better monthly rate from Time Warner for all three.

Last, you will have top technical support and will be able to keep up with the ever changing technology. Time Warner Cable Road Runner high speed internet will continue to make improvements as the technology advances so you will not have to worry about making a switch for many years. Those that started with this service when it first came out know that it just keeps getting better and better each time something new comes out.


Information on Broadband Internet

By now most everyone has heard of Broadband Internet. It uses a high speed modem which allows you to access information on the internet very quickly and this is why it is commonly referred to as high speed internet. There are three different types of Broadband Internet and they include DSL, cable or satellite. Broadband Internet made its debut in the early 2000's when the popularity of the internet was increasing by huge numbers and this gave internet surfers a big advantage over the traditional dial-up internet because it allowed them to access web pages at a much faster and efficient speed. When it first came out, it was rather expensive, but as time went on it became more affordable for everyone and now it is available worldwide.

People that have always used dial-up internet cannot understand why people get excited over Broadband Internet because their service takes them to the same internet that the Broadband does. If most of these people have a chance to try out Broadband Internet, it does not take them very long to realize what they have been missing and they soon want to switch over their service to high speed internet. There are public places that you can go such as the library where you can try out the Broadband Internet for a couple of hours and see what it has to offer.

Broadband Internet has many advantages over dial up internet. It is not only 10 times faster then dial up, it also does not tie up your phone line so you can surf and talk on the phone at the same time. This also takes care of the problem of getting knocked off line if the phone rings and you are in the middle of doing something important that you are working on online.

All three broadband connections work very fast and well. They may not all be available to you because it depends in which service area that you reside in. You should also compare prices and installation charges because you may be able to save some money on different services. If you would like more information on Broadband Internet.


What Makes Verizon FiOS All-Digital Fiber Optic Internet Extraordinary?

There has been a lot of media coverage and industry acclaim for the Verizon FiOS all digital fiber optic Internet service. The Verizon FiOS all digital fiber optic Internet, digital phone, and digital TV services are being called the new standard of quality for the telecommunications industry and are being praised by critics for bringing faster speeds and higher quality to services that most people use everyday. Industry insiders are praising Verizon for really raising the bar in the industry and encouraging the development of new technology to improve telecommunications and mass communications.

But why is the Verizon FiOS fiber optic network so amazing? Because Verizon has done something no company, and certainly no major communications carrier, has done before and has changed the technology that is used in the industry. Before Verizon built this new 100% fiber optic network the best materials available to build a spine for an entire communications system of phone service, TV service and Internet service was copper wires. These copper wires quickly were adopted by almost all of the companies in the industry and are still used today by both cable companies and satellite companies.

Verizon created the first network using cutting edge fiber optic cables to support its network, and that is what makes the FiOS network so extraordinary. Using fiber optic cables instead of copper wires changed the playing field of mass communications because fiber optics allows the network to move as much as 3 times faster than the maximum speed that is possible using copper wires. Plus, the fiber optic cables won't get clogged the way the copper wires can with thousands of users which means that sometimes users get dropped. The larger, more advanced fiber optic cables can accommodate a lot more data and a lot more traffic without failing.

Fiber optic cables also mean higher quality and better clarity. The picture on the FiOS digital TV service is much clearer than a regular TV picture. The voice clarity of calls made with Verizon digital phone service is astonishing, and the speed and reliability of the Verizon FiOS Internet service is something that both consumers and critics are praising. Soon satellite and cable companies will be forced to switch to a fiber optic network like the one that Verizon has built just to stay competitive because more and more customers that try the Verizon FiOS network are blown away by the quality of the FiOS network and don't want to go back to using cable or satellite.

Not only has Verizon managed to create industry history with the introduction of the 100% fiber optic FiOS network they have also managed to keep the cost to consumers competitive with cable and satellite. Who wouldn't want to sign up for the increased quality and reliability of the Verizon FiOS network when it costs about the same or in some cases less than regular cable or satellite services? Consumers are flocking to Verizon to sign up for digital TV, digital phone and digital Internet service on the first fiber optic network in the world, the Verizon FiOS network.


Comcast Cable Company

Comcast was sounded in 1963 as a cable operator and today they are America's largest provider of cable and broadband services. They have a focus on broadband cable, commerce, and content. They have over 24 million cable customers, 14 million Internet customers, and 5 million voice customers. They are headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and they are traded on the Nasdaq.

They have over 100,000 employees nationwide and service customers in 39 states and the District of Columbia.

Comcast has come a long way from when they started back in 1963. With their new digital offerings, customers are able to get the best clear picture quality and sound. The advancement in technology also makes it possible for customers to enjoy television programming easier and more affordably.

Comcast's digital cable television service now comes with digital video recording technology which allows you to digitally record and store your favorite television shows and view them whenever you want. Another popular feature is the parental guide function that gives parents the ability to have total control over what programming is watched on the units, even if the parents aren't home. They accomplish this by blocking shows via ratings, titles, channels, or content. There is an on-screen index that makes this easier for parents.

Comcast's Internet has also come a long way since it's inception. Although not as old as the other services Comcast provides, Comcast has been able to make the high-speed internet 70-100 times faster than standard dial-up internet connections. This makes it easy to download as well as stream video and play games online.

With their voice product, they offer features such as caller ID, call forwarding, and voicemail all at no extra charge. The customers money goes a lot further than ever before.


Broadband Internet