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Broadband Usage

Whether you are looking for a broadband deal for the first time, or you already have broadband but think there may be a better deal on offer, it can be a bit of a jungle out there.

With things like wireless, dongle, internet security and speed to think about it's no wonder that there is confusion amongst people. Obviously you want to get the best deal and with every broadband advert promising that they can offer a better faster connection what is a person to do?

Before deciding on which broadband deal is best for you it's a good idea to think about how often you use it and what for? If for example you only use it for the occasional browse and the odd download there is no point in paying for the biggest and fastest deal. Equally if you are more likely to use it to do a lot of downloading a 2Mb deal will not be adequate.

If you regularly download or watch TV online, the minimum speed you will need is 8Mb. A smaller speed won't offer a very good viewing experience or download time. However, you only use the internet for is browsing and emailing, a 2Mbps connection will be sufficient. To save disappointment online gamers and heavy downloaders should look to get the fastest speed they can.

When searching for broadband there are a number of companies and comparison sites that will compare the market for you, showing you all the best deals available. They will not only check which is the cheapest, inform you of the fasts in your area, but some can also offer a star rating. They can also save you a lot of stress and hopefully money.


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