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Broadband - UK Trends

Nowadays, most of us have access to the internet in one form or another, whether it is on your mobile phone or home computer. And according to figures released by the Office of National Statistics, there are now around 16.5 million households that have internet access in the UK.

Broadband use in the UK has increased in recent years, with many providers making use of television and magazine advertising in order to let potential customers know of fast and reliable connections. Coupled with the ongoing upgrade to fibre-optic technology, interest in broadband internet use is predicted to rise in future due to the development of services such as internet television and the expansion of online gaming.

According to the ONS, broadband use in the UK has increased since 2007, with an estimated 1.2 million extra households now having access to the internet - taking the total percentage of connected households to around two thirds of total households in the UK. When it comes to location, homes in the South East are most likely to have an internet connection, with the North East of England the least connected location - according to the survey.

However, the survey also identified that there was still a problem area with regards to the age range of broadband users in the UK. Statistics released by Help the Aged showed that there are nearly 7 million over 65's who haven't used the internet. Many councils have made facilities available - such as adult learner courses at local libraries - in order to raise awareness of the Internet amongst a wider age range, but there are some who are calling for more to be done to allow people to access information and to help further their knowledge of computers.

Broadband providers are also looking to mobile phones in order to extend their customer base. Internet browsers on mobile devices are becoming more compatible with applications such as Java and video players, and with providers offering a range of affordable deals on internet access we could soon have access to better applications - such as internet television - in the palms of our hands.


Broadband Internet